So leave the UN alone. Stop attacking the Watchtower with an issue you do not understand
I'm sure you already do see the irony but for the sake of discussion, I'll take the bait.
As I said in my earlier post, on one hand they believe that we are living in the time of the end and as part of God's plan the end of the system will be marked by horrible things including pestilence and disease and eventually destruction of wicked human governments and evil religions and all who are part of them.
They speak out of both sides of their mouths by alternating between believing that Satan is trying to turn all mankind away from Jehovah by getting them to follow him by transforming himself into an angel of light and/or they believe Satan is out to ruin mankind and intentionally causes them to do evil.
With all of the above in mind, how does the Governing Body know that by taking measures to try and stop the spread of this disease, Satan isn't using the U.N to foil God's end of days plan? How do they know that Satan isn't going to use his wicked organization to do harm to their followers and the rest of mankind?
On the other hand, instead of coming up with a plan of their own for their members to follow, "deep in the time of the end" they direct their followers to the very headquarters of the evil governments that they claim God hates. They trust the U.N. to come up with a sensible trustworthy plan even though they think it's run by Satan.
What's next?? When the end times food shortages begin, will the G.B be instructing the Witnesses to consult the Vatican website to see where their local Catholic Church has a soup kitchen set up?